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Values ​​of life

No violence or sexual life...,
because the quality does not

The correct values ​​of life go
Since the beginning of work

Consumers were examined and were
find the following values ​​(script, novel).
The quality of the culture, film ...
does not rise much bad things for
the conclusion or view.

Thesethe use of defending, because evil is
easy  work and cheap to use.
Replicates Up Your satisfaction, while


+  No violence
+  no sex
+  No racism
+  No religions and States
+  Not to belittle women
+  Not to copy others
+  Natural resources are not wasted away
    The crude material is circulated around,
    environmental management system advises
+  Zero Accident
+  To learn information given


Photo  Finland's development cooperation Journal

The desire  of young people
We need  more a doctrine

The objective is that  the professionalism, expertise
and valuation of the employees rise up. Professional
increases,  everyday actor's works change to quality
class D -work.

The demanding  work - the highest number of the
skill ...

The values ​​of the life are important in order to
successful life ahead. A Success  begins to
increase when the things are done correctly.

It is in everyone's interest to build and  to choose
the right things to work.

Young people have proposed a
lot of values and the  right
choices for life


When the work is done or studied, we get  more useful
when you have selected the correct aims and objectives.

+  Working to help others.
+  The Works are selected so that the work will help to
     improve  forward the competitiveness and success.
+  There is not time to criticize people, races, religions.
+  Internet and digital services help the people


The quality Our group

met and came up with criticism. What is good what   is  bad.  Here are a few:


Women in red color.  The female actors

are a with demanding  works less than
25%. The  Demanding  prestigious jobs 

have been   